These days I'm feeling more like Gloopy the Molasses Monster when I need to be channeling Lord Licorice. It's weird, I never thought of myself as overweight. It wasn't until I looked at some pictures where I was feeling good and wearing a cute new top from France that I realized that somewhere along the line I became overweight. Someday I'll post that picture. I looked at my BMI for the first time and I couldn't believe the actual weight I am supposed to be around for my height. Right now I'm 5 '3 and 163 and I should be around the 140s or 30s.
Anyway, I cut my workout down from a burning, clean the floor with my sweaty cheek hour &1/2 to a panting the whole time, sweating, burning (and a little shaking) 54 minutes. It felt good...BUT I want to cut it to 1/2 hour and I want to shake, in Amy's words, like a cracked out chihuahua, my little jelly eyeballs quivering. Those darned jumpropes take a long time! I remember the first few days of the PCP where I had to walk sideways down the stairs because my legs hurt so bad. Where are those days?
Maybe I need to pretend that the stakes are as dire in this next video. Although I'm not using my body to hunt food, to run away from vikings, or to fight, I need to remember that I'm running away from the future dangers of heart disease, diabetes (my grandma has it), and cancer. And running to...hopefully something good.
A little Thursday motivational video, stealing Mike's muse:
Nice one Jessica, the jumprope problem will be solved in a week or two. Intensity!
Both of those were lined up for Monday Morning Motivational Movies, that's what I get for taking a week off.