Saturday, September 19, 2009

Woo! (day 50)

First I want to ask forgiveness from Henry, my surfing buddy for the day, who was not sketchy but AWESOME. Mahalo, Henry, you crazy 60 year old Hawaiin dude. You can call me Thunderbird (my surfing nickname, haha) anytime. I caught the first two waves of my life and learned a few surfing basics, like pushing up on the board, that I am a goofy foot and trying to balance. And I beat my dad out in the water on the tiredness scale, so that felt good. I wasn't that tired at all, and for the rest of the day it felt like there were waves around me as I walked. Good times, good times.

Finished my workout this morning. No way that I'm going to get my morning or afternoon meat or yogurt or veggies or many carbs in, which is a bummer. My dad refused to get a new carton or yogurt or meat so we wouldn't waste it. So I will be a hungry Jessica on that flight home.

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