Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shrimp (Day 37)

Farmed shrimp: I imagine them in a pool of cow runoff, buried deep in their fetid sleeping nests. A taciturn farmer shifts off the covers and stretches his aching legs in the cool morning air. "Well," he mutters, "ty-im to feed the shrimps." He grabs his bucket of industrial grade Glurge and whistles sharply into the dark waters. The pool churns as their tiny pulsating bodies rise to the top. Suddenly, the air is alight with their fluorescent green shells and filled with chirrups as they raise their antennae to the scent of food... End scene.

That was my lunch of farmed shrimp...mmm. The Mexican wild caught shrimp are 12$ a pound. For that price I could hire a fishing boat to Mexico and catch the little bastards with my bare hands.

I dragged my little sister on a walk today at 7am. "Come oooonnnn," I cajoled. "It'll be fun. We need to get out of the house." Which is true. Right now we are big couch rats, surfing the internet for far too much time, or sitting on our bums reading. So we walked up the street and I got coffee and she got granola. We walked much further down the road when a few raindrops started falling. I was lecturing her how bad protein bars were for her. (Nobody likes a new convert zealot.) Suddenly, there was a massive downpour with thunder and lightening and when we got home I could pour water out of my shoes and my pants jeans were black with water. See if she ever joins me again.

I posted new week 5 pictures as well as one of some massive zucchinis we found on the roadside for free. Every week you can see a little more ab definition, which is strange to me 'cuz it definitely doesn't look that way when I stare down at my stomach. Last night I couldn't get fully upright for the pistol squat. Those puppies are insane!


  1. Nice pics, your silhouette is looking good yo.

    Thanks for passing on the truth about those PowerBar things. I seriously want to put those guys out of business.
