Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sunburn (day 46)

Spent the day in the car listening to a chirpy recorded c.d. guy named Craig expound on the wonders of Hawaiin electrical poles as we slowly drove around the island for six hours. We stopped in front of a Soto Buddhist Temple, the closest I've ever been to a real, non-Tibetan sangha. It looked pretty serious, so we didn't go inside. I brought all my snacks and lunch and my younger bro wants you to know that I ate 4 extra grapes. As he reached for them he punched my arm and screamed, "I'M TELLING PHIL! I'M TELLING PHIL!" Good to know I have my family on my side.

Yesterday we went snorkeling and I woke up sunburned and dazed later in the evening and did my workout. That was the worst...poor poor me.


  1. Don't pay any attention to those Soto Zen people they're not quite right in the head.

    The sun will wear a body out. After three days surfing this weekend I was going to sleep at 8 pm, mostly from the sun I think.
