Friday, September 25, 2009

I bring the crazy (Day 56)

I went to the unemployment office today. I walked in the door and they were like, "wow! A sarcastic English major! There's been a shortage, and we just love your bad attitude! You're just what we're looking for." And then the whole office stood up and applauded.

I also went to the playground today for a more thorough check for small pull-up bars and there are now 10 little holes in our door frame where the screw hit the concrete and an unused Gold's Gym pull-up bar in my closet. I jumped up on the big pull-up bar and flailed around for a few seconds before concluding, "nope, still too fat." I also snapped my jumprope a few days back. The leather was worn through. Yeah, PCP tradition and all that. Where's the jumprope fairy?

Tonight I might put an extra dollop of honey in my yogurt. I'll foil you yet, Reynolds! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


  1. The fact that you consider an extra dollop of honey on your yogurt a victory means that I've already won.

  2. Totally laughing. Just caught up on a bunch of your posts, and could not help but relate to the "lifting up my shirt each time I pass a mirror"
    In the middle of the night, when I wake up to feed the girls and then go to the bathroom, I walk by the mirror and look sideways as my shrinking stomach. So &^*(% vain, but I must say, helps me stick to the routine a mere 2-3 hours later...

    You are doing great

  3. Thanks Ames. Patrick, that's not the game. The game is I win.
