My natural response isn't "WHOA! RIGHTEOUS!! GET ME A PARACHUTE!" it's "Take a nap! Take a nap! Defensive pillow!"
I have been feeling low-level tired for the PCP, especially lately. I think that I have always been a lethargic-type person, more inclined to curl up with a book than party. Maybe I'm a little more in touch with my body and feeling it more these days.
And I have to say that low level tired is an upgrade from two years of 5-6 hour every day naps in 110 degree heat. The cultural mindset of the last two years was, "if you can't finish something today, no worries. How about next month? 3 hours or never isn't too late for an appointment." Before that I was in college, working two jobs and going to school full time, pounding down so much caffeine that I would get heart palpitations.
I liked the rush of feeling stressed like I had important things to do, but I realize now that that's not necessary. The world wasn't going to explode if I didn't get my "Symbology in Dickens" paper written. At the opposite end of the spectrum, it just wasn't healthy to lay in a puddle of my own nap sweat for six hours. So I guess these days I'm looking for a balance between cracked out and slug. Eating right, sleeping enough and exercising are making my body feel better in all ways, but I'm still tired.
So I have lots of questions for myself and others. Are some people naturally more energetic or can you re-create yourself to be more energetic? What can I do to be more active? Sure, I do the PCP workout, but then I sit for long periods of time.(My answer now would be an uncreative "uh...go for a walk?) I would think that being active all day would send signals to your body to perk up. Is there a certain point in the PCP where energy levels start to ramp up? Is energy more personality or a physical trait?
I need less of this:

And more of whatever the hell Nike is selling in this ad. I think it is warthogs and savanna animals. Maybe if I buy their shoes I'll be more athletic! And just like the people on the commercial! Just kidding. Don't buy Nike. But damn are they good at marketing...
(Sorry Mike, if you had this on the lineup)
Oh hey, guess when I'm going to be jumproping tomorrow. Bright and early! Fat begone, fat begone! Once I buy those Nike socks... Nah, but here is a gospel tune to pace your jumps to:
Gospel tune
The energy boost will come when you least expect it, most likely, you'll do something or have a day that would have laid you flat on your back with your old habits. That being said, there's nothing wrong with being a bit lazy as an individual. I'm incredibly lazy and I do alright.