Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pie (day 41)

I don't know what evil genie was cursing my astrological sign yesterday, but it was full of cravings and a strong aversion to exercise. I read Patrick's new post after the waves of chili lust wore off. Treat our cravings like mischievous neighborhood children...

"Mister! Mister! We've got pie!"
"Get the hell off my brain-lawn!"
"It's pie, mister, marion berry pie!"

My cravings are more like these guys, less genteel, more elemental...

When I have cravings I go to This is Why You're Fat and the heartburn I get just from looking at the pictures makes the cravings stop. Nah... Patrick's article makes more sense.


  1. I hate cravings. they are the worst. and good call on This is Why You're Fat web site. Kind of reminds me of this SNL parody commercial on Taco Town. Youtube it. Love it.

  2. Holy crow! I have never seen quite the array of disgusting food that "This Is Why You're Fat" exhibits. You can tell some of them are just home creations, so I'm not sure if they really made it to eat or to just make something really nasty. However, some of those things are being served at restaurants and they should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. I did gobble down a chocolate truffle last week and i was staring longingly at one sometime back but thank god ! I didn't give in. I was trying to rationalize how healthy chocolates are and hoping that just like we got coffee, we might get chocolates some time in the future :). It is really difficult at times.

  4. Keep saying no. Everytime you resist a craving it has a little less firm hold on your psyche than before.
