Today I was walking home from the library past some apartment complexes when I smelled a strong concentration of natural gas. "That's odd," I thought. I waited for the smell to dissipate but it instead increased in intensity and spread up the street. I began debating what to do. Should I tell someone? Should I ignore it? Then I remembered an old Zen is Stupid episode that suggested that we look at the motivation behind our first thoughts in these situations. "O.k," I reasoned, "maybe I am just being lazy. What if there is a gas leak? I could save children!" Spider senses tingling, I raced home and dialed the gas company. They arrived an hour later and asked me to point them to the area of the "leak". I gestured vaguely at the apartment complexes. The smell was gone.
"Do you know what that is across the street?" they asked. "Uh...an electrical building?" I guessed. One of the technicians chuckled. "Yes... and behind that is a sewage treatment plant!" My little brother isn't here so I'll say it for him: "IDIOT." Natural gas indeed.
Meditation, Japanese learning, and PCP continue apace. I'm not loving the slow jumpropes. I like to spaz out and jump as fast as I can, so I save that for the last minute or two of jumping. I almost reached muscle failure with my legs the other day. One of them was shaking so badly I had trouble standing on the band for Da Vinci's. I tried to reach it with my Katanas last night. It's strange. I would get a good burn and then not be able to lift the band all the way up and continue with half reps. Then I would do my pause, get a few full reps in, then have to continue at half reps. I guess next time I'll keep half-repping it until my muscles won't move anymore...
I would like to pass the curse of the Banana Boat song on to some other beginning meditator.
Japanese people, please kindly remove the characters "oh," "nu," and "nay" from your alphabet as they are difficult to write and I dislike them.
I've been flossing every day to keep away the nano particles. I haven't seen the article about this particular benefit of flossing, but Patrick explains things well and by this point I trust him enough that if he said that vigorously picking your nose for five minutes a day was healthful for your spleen I would probably do it. Don't worry Pat, I've got that one covered. Finger guns, wink.