Sunday, August 2, 2009


Patrick, I only did fifty "Shouts" today because my eyes were bleeding too badly. I'm really, really sorry. Patrick has me on a special program where I shout "I'M A FAT PORPOISE! I'M A FAT PORPOISE" with every push-up and then I have to rub my eyeballs with a toothbrush if I think about cake. (Totally kidding).

Nah, this morning I zombie shuffled sideways downstairs and did my exercises. It's surprising how sweaty I get with so little exercise. Still couldn't do the pushups, even on my knees. I did this little fledgling flop forward on my face when I tried to dip down. My toe is all red and purple and ready to molt the toenail from jogging, so I'm going to take a break from that for a while and ice it a lot so jumpropes don't mess it up more.

Tomorrow I'm going to take my sweet new ride:
and buy a scale, since our bathroom one is broken. I was like wow, I lost a lot of weight since yesterday. Then I thought, "wait a minute, 6 pounds in one day!?"

Meditated yesterday to the sounds of "come MR. Tallyman TALLY me BANANA" in my head. Totally failed on the fun front. I looked up "fun stuff to do for free" online. Yeah, one, Monopoly is not fun, and two, I'd need real, not Monopoly money to buy it. Some people would say, "get a job ya damn hippie, that's fun." Crimeny, I'm tryin'! If you want to have fun, I suggest reading "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell. It is a very fun book.

Oh, the other day I won 10 bucks on a scratch-it when I was buying PCP stuff. What should I spend it on?


  1. Great job again Jessica, you'll get those push-ups soon enough. Upper body strength comes slower to the ladies.

  2. I liked Cloud Atlas a lot too. Amazing imagination.

    Whatever kind of flop/pushup you're doing, just make sure your feeling the burn in your chest and not your arms. If you're getting a good pectoral burn then you're hitting the target area that will allow you to do them correctly in the near future.

    Mmm.. cake... AGHH... TOOTHBRUSH!

  3. "and then I have to rub my eyeballs with a toothbrush if I think about cake."

    best. line. ever. Jessica makes me LOL, freals yo.

  4. Ok, your posts are a highlight of this program. Seriously funny, I hope more people then just us are reading them.
    Keep up the good work..I can relate to how hard the push ups are..and the lunges...and the....
    Patrick-thanks for the push up tip-that is helpful.

  5. Ah, thanks guys! I really really appreciate the comments. :)
