Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 3

PCP stuff:

The workout today was soooo great! It was like angels were kissing my biceps. Just kidding. By the end I was giving little pizza flavored burps of distress and gasping, "fat is my body's tears. FAT IS MY BODY'S TEAAAARS."* Then I ran to to mirror and squidged my stomach together to make abs. Patrick, are my pecs everywhere? Cuz that's where it hurts.

Patrick, help us to be more like Tarzan:

*According to one web-based dietician

Other stuff:

Fun: 2 points. I went to the beach and played with some sea anemones. I was like, "I'm pokin' you FINGER! I'm pokin' you FINGER." And they were like "we're injecting our sea anemone poison into your brain!" I also practiced the moonwalk in my attic in my socks. Meditating was o.k. but I had to wiggle around a lot to get in the right position. I would definitely get dirty looks in a zendo. Patrick, please help us to be more like Tarzan:


  1. "Vegetables give you diseases" graphic = brilliant.

  2. Yes, there's the elbow-pec, the forehead pec, the ankle pec and we musn't forget the ass pecs, there are 5 of them, each a slightly different shade of mauve. It's crucial that you hit these areas before 10 am!

  3. Thanks Mike! Really glad you enjoyed it. :)

    Patrick. Mauve?!? All I see is pasty. Looks like SOMEONE needs to brush up on his anatomy.
