Sunday, August 16, 2009

Suck-cess (day 16)

*A "gassho" is a Buddhist bow. Or something. Look, I added new pictures of myself.

Afterthought: After receiving Patrick's undeserved praise, I realized this comic looks like I'm actually bragging about losing 3 pounds. I don't know what the eff my weight is. I think I gained four pounds, and maybe lost two. The scale is a tricky mistress.


  1. Love the new photos, very impressed. PS your ass does not look bigger-it is stronger from all the lunges! WELL DONE :)

  2. 3 lbs a week is right where you want to be now. Good work.

  3. I read all your posts with a smile on my face. Comments don't come easy to me. Keep up the good work.

  4. Sorry Patrick. I was just using 3 pounds as an example of losing weight for humor's sake. I dunno what my weight is, or if I actually lost it. I think I gained 4 pounds and then lost 2. I think.

  5. I cannot believe that no one cracks up every week when someone gets called the biggest loser and they jump up and down excited.

    I'd try and keep it going, "man, good job this week, you are such a loser. I mean, I thought I was going to win but you are a way bigger loser than me! I just cannot compete with what a loser you are. Loser."

  6. Jess, giiiirrrrll, you have some serious humor issues! Glad you're keeping that up! A funny bone is a good thing to have!

  7. So many things can affect the scale, hydration, clothes, balance. it's best take the exact weight it gives you with a grain of salt.
