Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Buddhist Magic (day 18)

I like brussel sprouts now. Patrick, what have you done to me?!?!? Well, I have you beat! You can't use your Buddhist magic powers on me anymore:

I am so so tricky.

Oh god, I take it back! AHHHHHH!

Just joshin'. This sprout's for you!


  1. The world of vegetables is slowly opening its mysterious gates to you... mmbobble, humdoodle, blabooble....

  2. you're hilarious. do you take the pics yourself or do you have a partner in PCP shenanighans? Bravo!

  3. another fabulous post. I do love brussel sprouts as well...but used to eat them roasted with bacon..thanks for showing us there is another way!

    Owed you beet recipe...tossed with Dijon Mustard, tiny bit of olive oil and pepper..roasted in foil for 45 minutes. Delicous.
    The other veggies I've just been steaming with garlic. Need to try adding some lemon after to the spinich.

    Keep having fun.

  4. Jessica, don't take this the wrong way, because I am impressed with how you are using your humor to get through this, but girl, we got to get you a j-o-b job. :)

  5. Patrick: My hat is absorbing your vibrations as we speak...

    Melanie: Yeah, I tell my little sister "we're going to do a sisterly bonding activity that has absolutely no benefit for you," and she agrees.

    Amy, thanks for the recipe, I'll have to try it! I am going to assume that the beats are cooked at 350 degrees...

    Mike: I'm hurt! Don't you think my tin foil hat preparation skills and sprout management techniques are going to good use? Nah, you're right. My last job was teaching meowing Moor children the ABC's. So anyone wanting to hire someone to yell at your children in a weird dialect of Arabic, I'm your woman.
