Saturday, August 1, 2009


"You did then what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better."-Maya Angelou

Why do we want our food to hurt us?

I was thinking about this as I was drinking strawberry kefir, which is pink, effervescent, and friendly, the food equivalent of swallowing a bag of kawaii charms. It contains probiotic organisms, which I imagine swimming helpfully in some intestinal grotto filled with singing clams and sea grapes festooned from the ceiling. Definitely a food "for to make you feel pleasant and cozy" as my old roomate would say.

On the other hand, I've been seeing a lot of commercials promising flavor "explosions" or to "pack a punch." One commercial asks a burger customer, "do you want it to hurt now, or later?" We want our food to do tricks. I can't watch a full SpongeBob episode without seeing a food commercial with some kid's head swelling up or performing some action that would normally result in a trip to the ER. Like in the recent commercial where a kid takes a bite and two flavor ninjas kick him in the face. It's like, you little bitch, I'M YOUR POPTART.

I was learning how to boil eggs yesterday. Did you know that the French have a name for each level of boiledness? Like, "sun lying in the shell of the white valley" or something. I think food is tricky enough without ninjas.

But dude, if gum did this, I would totally buy it:

PCP Stuff:

I 'finished' my exercises and can't move my arms or my legs. I physically couldn't finish my sit-ups and fell on my stomach with every pushup, but I do want to puke up my half glass kefir. Progress? My extra goals are to do one fun thing per day and to meditate and make meditating stop killing my right ankle.

My dad called and sounded slightly worried about my new regimen, so I'm going to start referring to Patrick as my 'guru' and signing off phone conversations with "under the sun of Patrick's love." That should reassure him, right?

I made a playlist to get us moving. Your socks will be crying in joy and awe:

1.) "Chicken soup for the f**k you" by Shout out out out out
2.) "Giving up, giving in" by Catch 22
3.) "South of France" by Harlem
4.) "Fever fever" by Melody Club
5.) "Senegal fast food" by Amadou and Mariam
6.) "A-Punk" by Vampire Weekend
7.) "Myke Ptyson" by Starf***er
8.) 51 seconds into "Ode to Joy"

Thanks for reading, good first day dudes!


  1. Way to go Jess! We're working our way to peak condition, right? Wont happen instantly.

    Also: "Giving up, giving in"! Forgot all about that song, used to love it. It is now in my playlist for tomorrow.

  2. First of all, your conversation and comments with your Dad are hysterical. I was totally laughing.
    In term of the excercises, I can completely relate-I am not sure I actually completed official "push ups" or 'Sit ups" but am confident that our minds will actually think of it as excercise even if our bodies could not yet complete them in thetruest sense. From what I have read-there may be something to be said for that.
    And...just think how happy we'll be when we kick ass and can do them with ease :)

  3. You'll notice the push-ups this week are knees down style, take it easy! I've noticed those "food with violent intent" commercials too. Recently I saw a gum one where the flavor came to life and smacked the guy in the face, like, really f-ing hard.

    It's a symptom of the flavor arms race. This year's food has to top last years, and on and on. You'll be amazed by how these same foods taste after a few weeks of clean living. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  4. Will try the songs in your playlist. Sounds kick-ass. Day2 beckons.

  5. When I get back to the "civilized" world, I am going to totally look up the songs you listed. I am a total music freak and love all kinds of styles and genres, except country and old time crooners - my parents played that all the time when I was a kid and it just isn't my cup of tea.

    Way to go, Jess! Oh wait. Mike already said that. Need to come up with something else. Hmmmm. I got it.

    You're doing awesome, Jess!
