Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Zombies (day 67)

I have been taking long walks to get out of the house while I'm waiting to hear back from a job I submitted a resume to. If I hear back from them it should take up to two weeks, so that's a lot of walking! I really miss jogging, but I don't want to mess up my knee again. What's strange is that my toe has just randomly swelled up for the past few days for reasons only known to itself. Ouch! The body is so weird sometimes.

Today my back hurt and it took me a while to realize that we did back exercises yesterday. Yay! Some exercises (for me) are immediately painful, like floor jumps, and others, mostly back work, are more painful the next day.

In honor of seeing the movie Zombieland tomorrow, I would like to announce that according to a reputable quiz, I am 80% likely to survive a zombie attack. This is probably due my increased cardiovascular fitness and hypothetical ability to wield a flamethrower. Thanks, Peak Condition Project!

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