Saturday, October 3, 2009

Remember, when you peak, you win! (day 64)

After a few "meh" days on the PCP I just wanted to reclarify some things for myself and jot down a few thoughts (meh meaning a little too much low fat cheese, a little too much honey, a little too less effort):

-New pictures up.

-Baked apples are delicious. Try one today: . Put those Honey Crisps to good use!

-I sure am eating a lot of yogurt. Sometimes I speculate with my mom why a few minor aspects of my diet are the way they are. Our conversations go like this: Me: "soooo much yogurt, why?" Mom: "because it's good for you." Me: "Coffee?" Mom: "maybe Patrick thinks you like it." Me: "why so much food?" Mom: "maybe you should cut the diet in half." Haha, bad news, I know.

-I never want to drink soda again.

-Once the PCP ends I am going to eat less, but still healthily. If there is not much healthy food around the house I'd rather not eat. I'll try to keep my own supply of healthy foods if I can.

-I won't be in Peak Condition by the time the PCP ends. BUT!!!
-I will know:

a.) how to cook and feed myself heathily
b.) how to work out to get to Peak Condition
c.) that I want to keep going on the path to fitness
d.) that my life is 100% healthier than when I started

-The further I get into the PCP, the less I want to go back to eating unhealthy foods. Why waste my effort? Why feel like crap again?

-On that note, people keep asking when I can "let up" on my diet. I don't want to let up! Not this month, not next month, etc. If anything, I want to be a little stricter.

-I put myself on a scale ban because weighing yourself two or three times a day is silly and not healthy.

-Rock on, guys!

Let's pretend this commercial isn't completely about sex:


  1. love the new pics. the best part? the look of pride (and mischief?) on your face.

    keep rockin', chica.

    I'm still thinking about names for your muscle nuggets.

  2. Haha, thanks, totally mischief. :D

  3. a) Your pictures are great. You look AWESOME!
    b) I stumbled upon steamed apples last night, too...good chopped and steamed with a little bit of cayenne if you like some spice. Nom nom nom...

    Thanks for sharing these thoughts! Sounds like you're in peak condition to me. Changing habits and maintaining healthy new ones is the hardest part. Though it doesn't hurt nearly as much as pull-ups....

  4. Your mom nailed it on the coffee. When I saw that the first time on my meal plan, I asked Patrick about it ('cause I definitely am not a coffee drinker), and he said it was there for those people who do drink it. Since I didn't, I could leave it off.

    And I hate it when people suggest that I ease up on the "diet" and cheat a little. I think it's just because they're feeling a little guilty and are hoping to sabotage me so they can feel better about themselves. Ain't gonna work.

    Hang in there!

  5. Rock on, Jessica! You're making great progress -- you can see it in your face. Amazing! (I wish our group was at week 9!).

    Baked apples are so yummy, thanks for the link! I've also mixed fresh apples with cinnamon, nutmeg and greek yogurt. Tastes like pie!

    You're dead on to ditch the daily weigh in. My weight hasn't shifted a bit, but my clothes fit so much better. The "little-too-tight" jeans are now just right.

    Go, go, go!

  6. Whoa, thanks guys! Emily, thanks I'll have to try some steamed apples, sounds good! E, thanks for the coffee tip. I got re-addicted. :O Shelly, thanks! will also have to try that recipe.
