Friday, October 16, 2009

Contem-plate-tion (day 77)

After two years straight of dreaming of gooey pies, savory sausages, and delectable cakes, it surprises me that I don't really care about indulgence #3. So fellow PCPers: decide for me.

Should I eat ten Twinkies off a mirror? Should I have a 1,000 calorie ice cream-lobster-cheese-hot fudge-pickle-pancake? Within reason, it's up to you; don't let me down. (Act now and I'll throw in a 400 calorie bonus from indulgence #2!)


  1. Isn't it amazing the difference between your first and third indulgence? You've broken the death grip food had on your mind.

    I recommend a nice meal rather than a big dessert.

  2. - i miss a big goopey breakfast, like waffles/pancakes with butter and syrup with bacon and hashbrowns. and coffee with real creamer.

    - cinnamon rolls with frosting. and coffee with real creamer.

    - tamales with green chili on top.

    - chinese food. american buffet style. crab wontons are your friend (shush, Patrick)

    - a bottle of wine.

    - go trick-er-treating. Nuff said.

    - a pot of coffee with real creamer

    - a pitcher of real creamer

  3. Really, up to 1000 calories?! Man, that's a tough one.

    I'm with Patrick on this one. Ditch the crap food and opt for a really nice meal. Maybe something ethnic, Korean (mmm, Korean pickles!) or Indian. Yeah, that's where I'd go!
