Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PCP for life

Jumpropes. An epic and delicious PCP breakfast. A loooonnnng drive. A restaurant dinner of sickly lettuce and a few bits of deli turkey.

Saturday (indulgence day):
Made do with a hotel breakfast (i.e. "no fat" but not no sugar yogurt, scrambled eggs, apple, Raisin Bran). Read something about "supersets" and went, "huuuuh?" Missed and pined for my vegetables. A full day of informational sessions. Interview #1. Lunch at a Thai place, ordered sauteed chicken and veggies. Don't know what they sauteed it in. Went out with mom and sister for dinner. Had "indulgence" of lobster pasta, Riesling, and apple pie...and cookie/Japanese candies. Thought "I'm over this" as I was eating the pasta. Felt an all-encompassing sense of ickiness that I realize characterized every single pre-PCP day; called it normal then. Came back and jumproped in the hotel entryway. Jumprope got caught on my face, and ear, and the wall. Did all exercises but the legs; no space.

Hotel breakfast. Interview #2. Did my exercises in the tiny "workout" room in the hotel; no chairs for chest exercises. Was the only one there. Used the bathroom door for my shoulder flys. Was distracted by the t.v. Went to a misnamed "grocery store" but the only non-cookable thing was spinach; bought a bagfull and ate handfuls. Sashimi dinner; had a little miso soup.

Monday: A looonnnnggg drive. Uncle took me out to burgers. Had the chicken breast sandwich and more stupid iceberg lettuce- IT'S NOT REAL VEGETABLES. Told him about the PCP. He bought a jumprope and the toughest resistance band he could find. Told him it was 80% diet. He skipped breakfast and had two cheeseburgers for lunch. Told him that was not exactly the way we do it. Finally got ALL of my exercises in. The supersets...agh, you're killin' me Smalls! Called rude shuttle man and scheduled ride.

Hotel-type breakfast. Was stood up by my shuttle ride back home. Called him up and yelled; uncharacteristic. May have cursed him in Arabic. Hoped that God heard my curses and his parts withered. Another grilled chicken sandwich lunch. Waitress said she thought I might be "allergic" to the cheese sauce (why else would I ask for none?) but put it in a little cup on the side anyway. Waited 6 hours and took a puddle jumper home. Taxi cab. 9:00 PM: Time for exercises! (I had BETTER get that job...geeeeez. I don't find out for 4 weeks though.)

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