Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Employed (day 81)

It took 81 days but I'm finally employed again. This is good since I've been footing 90% of the grocery bill, PCP style. Don't get me wrong, this is one of the best decisions I've made in my life... but now I might be able to actually afford broccoli every day!

Anyway, I'm making sandwiches. I feel a little guilty making sandwiches after doing the PCP. Especially as I've looked at Americans more carefully. There are some sad looking people out there (not that I speak from a position of superiority)! It's like I'm inflicting damage with my sandwiches of death! "Hi, welcome to, what's your name? Bob? Listen, Bob, I'd like to give you this sandwich, but I can't in good conscience. Here, have a water. Go do some pilates. You'll feel better."

One thing I always thought was icky about minimum wage jobs is that they usually don't provide an insurance option. I understand profit-wise why they wouldn't provide it, but I feel like minimum wage workers are some of the people who need it the most. I bought some insurance and even with it I'm still getting dinged for a pre-PCP illness.

Also, if you have dental insurance, I want you to look up into the heavens and say, "thank you, god, for this lovely dental insurance." I can hear (and see) the cavities eating my teeth! Never thought I'd be jealous of dental insurance. Guess I'm getting old.


  1. Way to go!

    If it makes you feel better about the insurance, I pay for mine out of pocket, and I still got a $300 bill from the insurance company to cover routine x-rays last time I went to the dentist for a regular check-up.

  2. Thanks, Em! 300$, that's ridiculous. Just for x-rays...ugh.

  3. The thing that makes me nuts about Subway is the quantities of mayo they put on. It essentially doubles the calories of any of their sandwiches. I'm looking forward to stories from behind enemy lines!
